The phone is ringing more than usual, lately. It's those stinking pre-recorded phone calls telling me who to vote for. It doesn't impress me that some politician hired somebody to record a quick blurb about what they stand for, hooked it up to an automatic dialer, and then annoyed me at dinnertime with it. It's enough to make me NOT vote for that person! When I answer the phone and the pre-recorded blurb starts spewing out of the handset at me I want to find the person and smack them around for a little while. What a handy way to take out the day's frustrations!
The robotic caller the other day didn't want to inform me about the candidate's beliefs or policies, didn't want to tell me what he was going to work for if he got elected. Oh, no...instead it condescended to tell me how I felt about it! The snippy pre-recorded message made sure to let me know that as a good, Christian American I needed to help get this candidate into office so that they could ensure that their pro-life blah blah blah opinions could be shoved down everybody's throats. ....okay....that's not how THEY phrased it....but you get the point. If they hadn't lost me at "good Christian" they drove me away with the pro-life part. (And they wonder why 'good Christians' get abused these days like they have some kind of disease?)
I was more impressed by the candidate who had a real human being calling. Granted, she called just as I was trying to put dinner together....those last stages of cooking when everything is suddenly ready at once. The part of the magic that is dinner when everything can go wrong fast and leave you with over cooked this, under cooked that and a hungry family wondering why you've done this to them....argh! I'm not a very nice person in those moments! I wouldn't normally answer the phone right then....but it was a local number that I didn't know. Curiosity got the better of me! The caller was polite, she was concise and when I said I had to go she didn't keep rambling on at me but urged me to vote and moved on.
I've got some more reading to do before I decide who to vote for. I sure as hell wouldn't be making my choices based on what somebody tells me on a random phone call! The politicians who've shown up at the house to say hello and talk are the most impressive, but if you really listen to their answers they somehow spin everything you say to their advantage. Their answers are just vague enough so as not to really commit one way or the other until they know what you want to hear. I it that you have to be slimy to be a politician or does going into politics just corrupt people universally no matter how they started out?
Ah, well....less than two more months and it'll all be over! Then I can turn the ringer back on....I recommend texts and emails if you're trying to reach me until after the elections!!! PMSL!
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