
Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Wednesday, April 8th, 2020

Well they've put out a travel advisory for the county.  I verified a few things my parents needed and went out this morning, got them what they needed, got us what we needed, then came on home.  We'll need dog and cat food, and I've got a couple refills in at the pharmacy, but we shouldn't need to go out for much for about a month, at this point. 

Now we wait. 

They're saying these two weeks coming up are going to be the BIG SCARY peak.  Well, that's surely true down in the city, but I don't think it's up north yet.  I think we're going to get stomped in May when they let their guard down and let people go back to school and random assorted things.  Once we mix everybody back together it's going to spike again.  :(

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