
Friday, April 17, 2020

Friday, April 17th, 2020

The cabin fever is real. 

I know.  First world problem. 

This afternoon my husband and I took some masks, hopped in the car, and went for a drive around the Adirondack's for a bit.  We went up the highway until we got to mountains and lakes, got McDonald's, then came home LOLOL  But it got me out of the house for hours, and I feel less like a raving loon, for now. 

Home again, though.  He got some stuff delivered for a project so he's got something to do.  Colin has been doing homework all day. Ambitious fellow.  I'm going to have a glass of wine and relax.  Or whatever. 

We got our "Trump Bucks" Wednesday -- $1200 per person stimulus checks.  Paid some bills.  Got a decent TV.  Joined the Gish one day at home event and started a team for that -- NNYMixedNuts.  Only have a few teammates so far, but it's going to be fun! 

Still nobody I know personally has tested positive.  I know one person who was quarantined but then tested negative and is back at work.  Wondering if it's going to have an impact up here like it had in NYC.  Hoping not, but it's so hard to tell. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Wednesday, April 8th, 2020

Well they've put out a travel advisory for the county.  I verified a few things my parents needed and went out this morning, got them what they needed, got us what we needed, then came on home.  We'll need dog and cat food, and I've got a couple refills in at the pharmacy, but we shouldn't need to go out for much for about a month, at this point. 

Now we wait. 

They're saying these two weeks coming up are going to be the BIG SCARY peak.  Well, that's surely true down in the city, but I don't think it's up north yet.  I think we're going to get stomped in May when they let their guard down and let people go back to school and random assorted things.  Once we mix everybody back together it's going to spike again.  :(

Monday, April 6, 2020

Monday, April 6th, 2020

Took Kyle's truck into town to fill the gas tank then right back home.  The town is so quiet....not silent as we're not under stay home orders and lots of people are still working at their "essential" jobs.  But it's eerie for sure.

Made bread today in the new bread machine I snagged when Peggy moved.  Not my best work, but it's been a while.  And bread is bread.  Found yeast at The Natural Way -- the grocery stores keep running out.

My unemployment is boosted with an additional $600 now with the new incentives or whatever they're calling them.  It'll be nice to be able to keep  the bills caught up and buy a pizza lol.

Did the dishes, organized a few things, got laundry going, but mostly I have zero motivation to do much of anything other than sit on my couch, read Destiel fanfics, and chill.  I supposed there are worse things.

Cuomo has ordered that schools will be closed until 4/29 to give social distancing time to actually work and not end it too soon and throw us into a tailspin with illnesses.  Not usually a fan of his, but he's been doing great with all this.  If he chose to run for president this fall I'd actually vote for him.

Several Hours Later......

So I got a little motivated.  Nothing terribly exciting, but I got the laundry mostly caught up, made goulash, did assorted tidying and cleaning things.  Now listening to one of my Pandemic playlists, enjoying a glass of wine, and feeling well medicated. 

I heard today that one of the neighbors has lost a family member to Covid.....a middle aged man, not a high risk type.  It's starting to hit closer to home.  It's been a few days since anything new has come out of Washington DC or Albany so the news stories are starting to throw hyped up crap around again. 

Friday, April 3, 2020

Friday, April 3rd, 2020

Colin just got back from going into town.  He was going to make a deposit at his bank then pick up a few things for me at the grocery store.  He ended up vetoing the bank when he saw how many people were touching the drive through equipment lol.  At the grocery store he ended up just getting the bread products as he didn't want to touch a grocery cart.  He assured me that he disinfected both bags of bread items LOL  He's a bit over dramatic, but he also noted that the stores are right now full of people who got paid on the 1st and that he didn't want to interfere with their ability to safely shop -- which is exactly correct.  Kyle can pick up his own soda. 

It's rainy and dreary out today.  I've got beef ribs and pork ribs marinating, chicken in the fridge to cut up for boneless wings -- gotta get some variety going, now that there's some room in the fridge lol. 

Talked to Colin about taking Max for walks as the dog is bored and restless.  Of course, it's raining right now but he'll do it.  Max is currently sleeping up against the bedroom door while Kyle is in bed.  Gypsy, Milly, and Doodlebug are all curled up on me with Viscous right next to us and Maya in a chair across the room.  All creatures great and small are just napping on this gloomy rainy day.  I slept in until about 10'ish but the curtain fell down in the window next to my head so that kind of woke me up lol.  Those light blocking curtains are heavy and almost too much for the pressure type curtain rods they're on. 

I know I should clean something.....the kitchen table is piled high with things that I dug out of the spare room and could use putting away.....but I'm honestly just 1000% uninterested in doing, well, anything. 

Que sera, sera. 

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Thursday, April 2nd, 2020

So yeah....there were surely a few assholes out there who did coronavirus April Fool's Day pranks, but thankfully they were few and far between. 

Woke up tired and laid around on the couch with the dogs watching TV all day.  Got My Cousin Vinny on at the moment.....a most excellent movie. 

There are over 200K cases in the US.....more than 30 in our county, now.