
Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Tuesday, March 24th, 2020

Yeah....doesn't take long for things to get boring.  Strange the difference between wanting to stay home and being told to stay home.  So much of it is just perception. 

I did pop out a bit this morning.  I went to our local Price Chopper and picked up some predone fruit and veggie trays.  I went to a locally owned pizza shop, Rosario's, and ordered some pizzas to be delivered to the ER up at MMH.  Then dropped off the trays.  Joann said there was enough and it was appreciated.  I didn't put any names on it or anything -- but I'd texted with Jo to see what people liked.  You never know, in a small town, if there's a preference or an anti preference lol.  I'd love to see it get popular, like paying for the order of the car behind you at the drive-thru.  And not just for ER workers, but anybody that is working during the Pandemic.  With the exception of Washington D.C......if this decimated Capitol Hill it might go down as the best silver lining on any natural disaster to date. 

Texting and Facebook are the main ways that I'm interacting with people. 

The scanner is getting busier.  You can tell when it's a Covid-19 call, they have a special Code they throw out and often ask the squad to landline dispatch.  Domestics are picking up but mostly during the day.  Kyle says nights are still pretty regular, for the moment.  We're all just waiting for the shit to hit the fan. 

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