
Monday, March 23, 2020

Monday, March 23rd, 2020

Today we had A.J.'s Septic come and he pumped our tank which started showing signs of being full once the ground was frozen, of course.  The neighbors' had theirs done, too -- this heavy precipitation and warm winter means we're all a bit overfull at this point anyway from backflow. 

CuraLeaf delivered Kyle's vapes to him so we didn't have to go to the dispensary in Plattsburgh to pick it up this past weekend. 

Colin was supposed to start his online classes today but it seems like not all the professors are quite up and ready to do that just yet. 

Been working on laundry.  Otherwise haven't really done diddly around the house. 

The jumps in numbers between yesterday and this morning for confirmed cases, deaths, etc., was huge.  They're saying that this coming week is going to be really really bad compared to things so far. 

After nearly all the snow has melted, leaving only the dirty dregs from snowbanks, today it has begun to snow again. 

People are sewing face masks since the medical community has run out of PPE and masks meant to be disposable are being re-used. 

Gov. Cuomo has been raging on tv today about people not taking this seriously, not staying home.  I'm honestly amazed that he thought people would be mature and responsible about all of this.  People are having parties and all sorts of goofy stuff.  They really don't seem to Get It, that if they don't make it an absolute ORDER, some people are going to be complete assholes and be out there like it's just another Monday. 

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