
Sunday, March 22, 2020

Sunday, March 22nd, 2020

Just a quick update.

A few weeks into January my new boss came to me and told me he was going to semi-retire and no longer needed me.  I'm currently on unemployment.  I did do a week at VTC when they had two people out on vacation at the same time.  I'd decided to go back to college, most likely for a PsyD in Psychology.

Now we are in the midst of a Pandemic.  Novel Corona virus COVID-19 started out in Wuhan China in January, just in time for their New year celebration.  They kept it nice and quiet until it was too late to change any of the celebrating and maybe keep it small.  It's currently global.  NY State is in a State of Emergency, as are many of the individual towns and cities.  President Trump declared a State of Emergency and the individual states, so far, are taking it from there.  This is only the beginning.

Colin moved home Thursday from college.  They all went to online learning, but they were allowing students who hadn't gone on spring break to remain on campus.  Until they weren't, lol.  So he's home, now.  Kyle is, of course, essential personnel so he's still going back and forth to work.  Cuomo has the state not on a Stay Home order, but 100% reduction in on site workforce for non-essential personnel.  Most are listening to him.  The shelves in all the grocery stores are cleaned off pretty thoroughly.

We have everything we need right here at the house.  Plenty of food, the fixin's to make food, etc, beverages, medications, dog/cat food, and so on we're set up.  Especially with Kyle going back and forth to work anyway.

So mostly now we're just to sit tight and watch.  China and Italy have been hideously devastated by this virus.  Things could get exponentially worse very quickly.  We can only wait and see.

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