
Monday, March 12, 2012

OMG -- Spring!!

Every window in my house is open!  It's spring!  OMG....time to start getting in shape for summer.  Ugh!  Well, I did some good grocery shopping this last go round.  I did that thing they recommend where you only shop the perimeter of the grocery store, going down aisles only when I needed a specific product.  I ended up with a cart full of fruit, veggies and dairy -- but hey, that's a good thing, right?  I mean, I got my coffee (of course!!), and picked up some Health-full breads.  Have you tried those?  Mmmmm!  I've always liked Arnold breads so I was happy to try this out.  I got coupons and information on it as part of a Bzz  Campaign (see and tell them Saille sent you!) and gave them a try -- mmmmm!  Nice to have healthy bread that doesn't taste like chalk.....anyway!  I'll be making some tasty salads, sandwiches, and snacks.  I've really got to get walking...I think the last of the snow will go away today.  It's supposed to rain this afternoon and that will wash a lot of it away.  Maybe I can get down to a size 12 this summer as planned!'s good to dream!  lolol

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