
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Death of the Well

The last couple of days we've had intermittent problems with the water.  It'll be flowing just fine, then it stops.  It comes back within minutes, but it's bothersome....and foreboding.  This morning Colin had to end his shower early as the water quit on him twice.  It quit during my shower, too....after I'd rinsed my hair thankfully!!  Then by 11am it quit entirely.  I got Kyle up, he called his friend Bruce over, and they determined that the well was dry.  So Jeff Vice came with the pumper from Station 2 and a few other firemen showed up and ran water into the well.  So that's how we know the well wasn't dry because they didn't get 50 gallons in and the water came shooting out of the top.  So it looks as if the pump isn't working.  There's a switch in the basement that could be the problem or it could be the pump the bottom of our 375ft drilled well.  Brian Jenack is coming by in the morning with a friend who knows these things and can test that switch.  So now here's hoping that that switch in the basement is kaput and we can replace that and be done with it.
Meanwhile, I had Kyle bring in a bucket of water from the creek to use to make the toilet flush and told the boys they can go outside.  He and Colin have run in to Peggy's for now to use the facilities there....I have no desire to run the risk of clogging a toilet when we've got no water.  I think I'd have a screaming breakdown and run howling madly out of the house.
Pretty pretty please let it be that switch!

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