
Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Colin has another one.  Poor kid.  All this gorgeous weather and the bright white sky makes his head scream.
I think I had a migraine once.  I remember as a teenager having this one headache and the silence hurt but any noise hurt, the darkness helped a little but if anybody even cracked open the door I'd sob.  But it was a one time thing and was over in the same day.  These ones Colin gets last for days.  The last one was a four day event from day one until the recovery day where the headache part is gone but there's hypersensitivity to stimuli still.  I guess my cousin Josh used to get them, and a second cousin Reilly gets them, too, so there's some family history there.  It's also common in the puberty years.  His seem to come on with dramatic weather changes.  I guess I should just watch the barometer and start dosing him with meds when it jumps around a bit!  Gah.  I hope he grows out of it, and quickly.  If we catch it right at the beginning we can head it off at the pass....but this time we chalked those early symptoms up to the cold he's had.  And then it was too late.  Any advice on tips and tricks to avoid them or alleviate them are always welcome!  We may have tried it already, but hey -- any help is appreciated!  Or even shared stories!

1 comment:

  1. I found this website and really liked how it was written and the information in it. It confirmed a bit of what I've suspected re: the kiddo's migraines, like the relation of barometric changes.
