
Friday, December 23, 2011

It's Almost Here!

Yay!  We have snow!  Not much....not even an inch, and it's barely cold enough to keep it, but it's here.  Let's hope it stays for a couple more days!!
Colin just came out to ask me if we're going over to his friend's house.....I'm like, "huh?"  I do miss old friends who've moved on....I'm still in touch with so many people from all the chapters of my life, even if only tenuously, but there are a handful that are just gone....just kind of faded away with time, distance or emotional distance.  That's how it goes, though.  People do grow apart, friendships do disintegrate, people do change and move apart from one another....I'm just not used to it.  Some of my best and closest friends have been in my life since my childhood, so I'm really unused to letting go!  LOL!  Ah well....I wish them all a happy holiday season.
Kyle is out doing some last minute errands and things.  Thanks to my lovely benevolent employers who believe in Christmas Bonuses (thank you!!!!) I was able to give hubby some money to do a little holiday shopping.  Usually I've so overspent on the kiddo and making sure I've got something for everybody that I just tell him not to worry about it, get myself some little thing, and deal with it.  In recent years the kiddo has really gotten into doing his own shopping, and my mother, being the awesome Grandma that she is, takes him out shopping. So I do have gifts under the tree that I didn't pick out myself....but this will be the first year in a few that there will be some from Kyle!  Yay!
Today I have to wrap Colin's presents, clean the house, catch up the laundry, burn candles, watch holiday movies, make an apple pie and a blueberry pie for tomorrow night, make hamburger buns for dinner tonight.....Basic puttering.
It has been a very hard year, financially, and we've still got a few debts to pay off and some challenges ahead that we'll be carrying into the new year, but otherwise it's been a good year.  We're very blessed.  Kyle and I both have jobs that we enjoy doing, that we're good at, working for good people.  Colin is having an amazing year in 6th grade, making High Honor Roll, enjoying a variety of friends, the admiration of his teachers, and being chosen for special projects. Both mine and Kyle's extended families are doing fairly well....there are some hitches here and there, many of them financial, but everybody is hanging in there.  We have many good friends, good family, good health, a lovely home, each really is a Wonderful Life!  lol
I do hope that everybody can find at least a moment of peace this holiday season and step back and see all the good things they've got.  Happy Holidays!!

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