
Thursday, February 13, 2014

To Be or Not To Be....That Is A Stupid Question

Don't you just love the way that Shakespeare's characters are commonly thought to be so deep and his works so very meaningful?  I wonder if someday people will look at Stephen King the same way....

What musicians will be to future generations what Beethoven, Bach, etc., are to us today?  Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, Madonna, Bruce Springsteen?

What medical miracles that we marvel at today will be the bonesaws and leeches of tomorrow?  Hip replacements?  Chemotherapy?

We put men on the Moon with less technology than many of us carry in our pockets today.  My son talks to his electronics and they do what he tells them to do.  My phone has been programmed with a sense of humor.  If this is the technology available to the masses, what levels of technological genius are at the fingertips of the supersecretsquirrel people?  If they revealed  the stealth technology in the 70's, when household technology was blown away with 8-tracks and microwaves, what are they hiding today?

I think it's pretty amazing to see the advances in technology and thinking just in my own lifetime, just in 40 years.  I think about the things that my mother had in her world and compare them to my son's world and it's like a science fiction novel.  I wonder.....what will our world be like when my grandchildren are grown.

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