
Wednesday, December 9, 2015


I am still applying for jobs.  I have my acceptance letter on the freezer door because YAY!  And any day now I expect to receive some paperwork from financial aid and then I can call them and get to work on the final details.   But today I applied for three local jobs.  Two of them are at Clarkson University....I would so dearly love to get a job there.  The third was for a job that I applied for another time it popped up in the local paper.  They haven't changed their ad, nor their website, and it kind of worries me that the position pops up occasionally.  Is it a lousy place to work and they have bad turnover?  Or is it that people get really good and move upward into other positions and this entry level type job opens when that happens?  It's great hours and great pay, so if I were offered it, I'd take it.  I would still take classes, if I managed to land a job before things got going.  I kind of want to, now, despite my trepidation about it.  And I'm slightly more than halfway to a Bachelor's already.  It'd be a shame to waste that.  But if I can double or more the household income, I'm sure as hell going to do that.  A bird in the hand, and all.

And I'll be damned!  One of my references just let me know that she's already been contacted!  Wouldn't that just beat all, if I finally wrapped my head around going to school and THEN landed a job I want?  lolz!  Well, I'd take it.  I'd damned sure take would be a wonderful thing to finally land a M-F, 9-5 office job.  I'd ROCK a job like that and they'd be so happy they'd hired me!  I am exactly what they want, if they only stop long enough to see it.  I am 42 years old, my son is 15 and no longer requires me around to feed him, or be with him when he's sick, etc.  I own a home and am not leaving this area.  My husband and I have strong ties to this community and have already rejected transferring out of the area when he worked at GM and it closed down.  I am on top of my health and don't need time off for sniffles and things like that.  Oh, and I can pass any and all drug tests at any time.  I'm SMART, I'm great with computers, I'm a mad queen of details and organization, and I LOVE to be good at things.  I like to be the BEST at things.  I'm looking for a job I can retire from in 25-30 years, not a stepping stone to bigger and better things.  And the place that finally gets that, is going to be glad they did.

So, cross your fingers for me!  Not really sure for which, but just in general.  What will be, will be.

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