
Thursday, December 10, 2015

On The First Day of Christmas My True Love Gave To Me......

What a very odd holiday season it is so far this year.  We had a little bit of snow in October, and then nothing.  The temperatures have been in the 40's and 50's most of November and so far in December.  I can't say that I mind's making our heating bill absolutely a wonderful thing.  It would normally be three to four times it's current size at this point in the winter.

I've been at loose ends for a while, now.  When I stopped being a Day Care provider for the little guy I watched, because he got older and all that, I didn't really have anything to replace it with.  Oh yes, I have hobbies but I really haven't been motivated to do anything like that.  I haven't even felt much like reading, to be honest.  And that's very odd, for me.  I have been steadily putting out job applications and watching the local listings.  What I want is a clerical type of position, Monday through Friday, banker's hours.  What I'd most like, would be for that to happen at Clarkson University.  It's really a very beautiful place to work, though I realize not everybody's experiences there are perfect.  Nothing is perfect.  I like the old buildings and the atmosphere.  I want to wear nice clothes and talk to adults.  It's also true that working there would provide my son with free tuition and that he would benefit very much from the courses that Clarkson offers.  But I've been applying there for years, now, with only one interview.  And man, I had that one in the BAG until a woman stepped in with my lifetime's worth of years of experience in that exact department.  Nobody could have competed with that and truly, she got the job.  And truly, she lasted less than one year.  They refilled the position internally, after that.  I've still been plugging away, applying to most anything that I'm qualified for.  Some jobs sound more perfect than others, but always I just get the thanks but no thanks letter a month later.  It does get very discouraging.  I have such a unique level of experience in the things that most employers want, the people skills, the communication skills, the organization skills, the ability and willingness to learn and be challenged, and the fact that, at 42 years old, I'm looking for a job that will last me the rest of my working life.  Want to fill a position and keep it filled?  I'm who you hire.  I've assumed, though, that I just don't look good enough on paper to get those interviews.

Well, until yesterday.  At 2:30pm yesterday I looked over Clarkson's website and applied for two positions that were open that I am qualified for.  While I was at it, I also applied for a customer service position at another local company who has said thanks but no thanks to me in the past but is once again hiring.  Within hours, I was contacted by one of my references from the Clarkson applications who let me know they were checking my references.  By 5:30 I heard from the local company who scheduled me for an interview this afternoon.  Meanwhile, my financial aid package will arrive any day now from SUNY Potsdam college to enroll as a full time student this coming semester.  We shall see how this all plays out.  A bird in the hand and all, I will absolutely take a job before going back to college.  The point of going back to school is to get a job.  If I can get the job without the 4-6 years of additional schooling, then yay.

So then I've got two jobs potentially looking at me.  Yikes!  It's been a long time since I've been in this kind of situation.  They have similar pay scales.  They both would be interesting and challenging and fire up my mind.  They are both good jobs in their own right. It may very well come down to first come, first served.  I did take the time to send a follow up email to the department head of the Clarkson job letting him know that I am interested, that I am awesome, and that I am potentially disappearing.  Hopefully, I hear back from them for an interview before too long.  Meanwhile, I've got my clothes picked out for this afternoon's interview, my folder all set, and am  just killing time, now.

If I'd known that heading back to school caused employers to come out of the woodwork, I'd have done this a long time ago.

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