
Thursday, February 6, 2014

This Ain't No Disco....

It ain't no country club, neither!
(Sheryl Crow)

I've got the house to myself today.  I should go on a cleaning spree but so far it's nearly 10:30am and I'm still in my pajamas.  So far today I've accomplished making coffee, charging my cell phone, and blogging.  Could be worse....I could still be in bed!  These days, though, laying in bed for too long makes my back and neck scream in a terrible agony that even large doses of ibuprofen doesn't help with.  I'm not sure if that's because I'm getting older or if it's because I'm so out of shape.  I've started doing my yoga stretches in an attempt to help with it....can't hurt.

It's a beautiful day out there today!  The sun is out, the fresh snowfall has covered up all the windblown crud and various messes that were out there so the world is a shiny bright puff of fluff right now.  The chickadees are swarming my bird feeders, happy to have an easy food supply.  Some of them are getting downright plump!  I haven't seen the woodpecker this morning, but he comes every day and nibbles away at the suet I've got out there for him.  The cardinals, on the other hand, haven't made an appearance in about a week, except for one sighting of the female earlier this week.  Granted, the food did run out for a day before I caught it and refilled it, but I think it's just that they're elusive birds.  I'm glad I got pictures while they were here feeding, in case they don't become regulars.

On my last blog post some guy commented....I got all excited for a moment when I saw I had a comment!  Oh, no.....this was god spam.  This guy has listed his occupation as "Keyboard Evangelist"....I suppose you can put a title to anything, eh?  So on top of his own very evangelical Christian blog he apparently goes around spamming random bloggers posts with his world view, no matter what the topic of the blog is and certainly without asking if his posts are welcome.  I don't suppose he really cares if people welcome his his mind he's spreading his worldview which will supposedly save eternal souls.  I didn't delete his comment, just replied to it, and went to his blog.  I posted a similarly random comment on one of his blogs with some information about ancient man made structures.  Specifically Gobekle Tepe and from a website that is religious in nature.  Curious if he'll approve the post....see, he doesn't allow comments to show up until he approves them.  I'd guess that like most evangelical people, he doesn't want scrutiny, questions, or any kind of free thought that might call into question any of his belief structure.  Which, to me, means that the belief structure just wouldn't stand up to it.

I really do not care what anybody chooses to believe.  At their core, most, if not all, of the religions of the world call for loving one another, for peace, for understanding and tolerance of all.  Whether a person believes in a god or goddess who dictates this goodness or they come to this through their own conscience and self awareness makes no difference to me.  The only time I really find myself cringing is when people use religion as a weapon:  a weapon to oppress a group of people, a weapon to control others, a weapon to wage war.  I don't like the pomposity or the condescension, the arrogance and judgement that so many allegedly religious people display in their certainty that not only are they correct in their choices but that others are somehow addled or ignorant for not complying with what they tell them to believe.  I don't like it, but I can turn away from it and feel sorry for them that they are so far removed from what they're preaching that it would be humorous if it weren't so annoying.  I don't take offense to anybody praying for me or condemning me because they don't have any power over me that I don't give them, and I refuse to give them any.  And they can be fun to play with....they're such easy targets!  lolz  That's the devil in me....a weakness, to be sure.  Playing with the small minded people is like teasing a cat with a laser pointer, except the cat at least gets some exercise from the game.  I'm trying to learn not to do such challenge without my own arrogance, because I have no better idea what's out there than anybody else.  I want to be more like Bill Nye!  :)  Here is what evidence I've got, here is what it proves to me, if you can prove differently with evidence then I will be open minded.

Well, that's enough knee deep rambling for this morning!  I've run out of creamer for my coffee and have no milk, not that milk is an adequate substitute for creamer, but I'm going to check out recipes to make my own creamer and see if I've got the ingredients.  If not, I guess the two cups of coffee I've had so far will be it for least tomorrow is payday!!!
So if you like me, follow me!  If you have a moment, leave a comment!  And either way, have a good day my pretties!!

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