
Sunday, February 9, 2014

Laundry and Dishes and Dusting; Oh, My!!!

Sorting the clothes, washing the clothes, drying the clothes, folding the clothes, putting clothes away, buy new clothes, get rid of old clothes, buy new coats, buy new boots and shoes and sneakers, get rid of old outerwear.  Sort and replace the hats, gloves, mittens, scarves, snow pants.  
Buying the food, putting the food away, deciding what to make with the food, making meals with the food, cleaning up after the meals, rinsing the dishes, washing the dishes, drying the dishes, putting the dishes away.
Let the dogs out, let the dogs in, buy the dog food, buy the dog treats, feed the dogs, buy the dogs peepee pads, pick up the dirty peepee pads, put down more pee pee pads, bathe the dogs, buy flea treatment, treat dogs for fleas, make vet appointments, transport dogs to vets.
Let the cats out, let the cats in, buy the cats food, feed the cats, buy the cats litter, change the litter boxes.
Fill the trash cans, empty all the trash cans into one trash can, remove the full bag of trash, tie it, bring it outside to the big trash cans.  Avoid the overly friendly single 50 something trash man.  Pick up empty trash cans, chase down errant lids, replace trash cans in appropriate places.
Stock the fridge, sort through old food in the fridge and dispose, clean the fridge. Clean the stove.  Clean the oven.  Clean the microwave.  Clean the coffee pot.  Clean the mixer, the blender, the deep fryer, the crock pot, the bread machine.  
Make more ice.
Buy soap, buy shampoo, buy shaving cream, buy after shave, buy deodorant, buy toothpaste, buy floss, buy mouthwash, buy new toothbrushes, buy acne products,buy sunscreen, buy hair products, buy new shower curtain liners, buy toilet paper, buy toilet bowl cleaner, buy Comet, buy Lysol, clean toilet, clean tub and shower, clean floor, clean sink, clean mirror, wash linens.
Remove the sheets, remove the pillow cases, remove the blankets, wash all the linens, make the beds.
Vacuum the floors, sweep the floors, clean up messes on the floors, use the floor scrubber to scrub the floors, wax/shine the floors.
Remove cushion covers from sofa and chair cushions and wash and replace.  Use sticky roller to clean pet hair off furniture.  Dust all the things.
Clean the ceiling fans, replace the light bulbs, maintain the appliances, clean vents, clean knobs, clean cupboards, clean windows, clean tables.
Clean out junk drawers, clear off catch-alls, clean up book shelves, clean up movie shelves.
Do the budget, pay the bills, buy the presents, plan the trips.  Remember the birthdays, buy the cards, buy the stamps, fill out the cards, address the envelopes, mail the cards.   Get the mail, sort the mail.
Make the doctor appointments, get everybody to their doctor appointments, talk to all the doctors, get the prescriptions, fill the prescriptions, make sure everybody takes their medicines, buy the supplements and vitamins, make sure everybody takes their vitamins and supplements.
Buy the bird feeders, buy the bird food, fill the bird feeders, maintain the bird feeders.
Rake the lawn, mow the lawn, plant the flowers, deadhead the flowers, water the flowers, plant the grass seed, plant the garden, maintain the garden, harvest the garden, pick up dog messes, shovel the snow, salt the steps.
 Buy first aid products, keep first aid products together, sorted, up to date, and replaced, and use first aid when necessary.
Keep track of all hobby and extra curricular activities, buy supplies for all, schedule all, taxi to and from all.
Sort attic, maintain storage items in attic, bring seasonal item to and from the attic.
Paint, glue, iron, patch, sew, mend, clean, repair, replace all the things.
Keep track of all family members, their interests, their needs, their problems, their successes, share quality time.
Work to contribute money to household budget.
Find time for self.
So, how was your day?


  1. About the same. On a never ending loop.

  2. The sad thing is how many things were left out of that list! lolz

  3. Oh my. Either that's a messy house, or a very big one! There's even a bird feeder! How do you keep up with all of these? Sometimes you just wish there's a way to automate all of it, so that there'd be more time spent for other things.
    German Zollinger @
