
Monday, January 16, 2012

Monday, Monday...

So today is MLK day so the kiddo had no school.  Last Wednesday was a half day which he missed having a stomach bug, then Thursday and Friday were snow days for a minor ice storm that blew through the area, and today is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, so no school.  Quite a nice long break for him!
I got to sleep in a bit, got up about 10'ish.  Colin had already taken the dogs out and was puttering around the house keeping busy.  His sciatic nerve is acting up from sitting too much these days off, surfing, so he wanted to make sure not to plug in today.  So after I got up and about we ran out to the mall so he could go to Game Stop.  I finally got to run into Pam as we were leaving and she was on her way in to work.  I got a nice shirt at Sears for a whopping .51 cents!!  WooHoo!  Picked up a few Hallmark things for next Christmas as it was 75% off, had lunch together at Jreck's Subs and came home.  I should be cleaning and stuff, but I'm kind of taking it easy today.  I'll get up in a bit and get to the dishes and laundry and stuff.
My cousin Kate and my aunt Glen came up Friday, though it took them about three times as long as it should have to get here in the storm, so they stayed until Sunday.  I got to see them Saturday and visit and go back later and have dinner.  They stayed at Heather's.  
One of my friends is having surgery on her thyroid today....hopefully.  So she's in my thoughts.  She'll be home recovering for a week or two so I'll go visit her.
My cat Lucky has been wandering the house nights calling for his twin, Stinky.  It makes me very sad and I so wish I could explain it to him.  I still choke up here and there....I suppose I will for a while.  Funny how much a part of our lives our pets are.
Ah, well....I suppose I'd best get moving so I can get those dishes done and the next load of laundry going!
Have a good Monday, folks!!!

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