
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Happy Hump Day! I got all that scrapbooking stuff organized.  Everything fit into the three Creative Memories cases I got, so I'll use my blue dragonfly case that Mom got me years ago as my travel case.  I'll stock it with basics and when I'm going to go somewhere to scrap I'll put what I will want to use that day into it.
Going through the pictures took HOURS!!! Wow....the 2005 and 2006 stacks were massive.  I had a trunk full of pictures in the basement...thankfully I'd left them in the envelopes they all came in so sorting them by date wasn't that difficult. Colin didn't change much in those years so the few that were undated were tricky, but it's not like it's that big of a deal if it's not 100% accurate.  After 2007 it drops right off because that's when I got the digital camera.  Which only means now I need to go buy more ink so I can get some of THOSE pics printed up!!!  LOL!!
Heading over to Margaret's (Hammill) in a few minutes to head to Heart to Heart.  We've been doing this since March/April'ish.  She really can't drive anymore...her right leg is too messed up.  Christine LaShomb was taking her but couldn't do it all the time then got a job and couldn't do it at all.  So the days I don't have Sammy I take her and the odd days Angela Tye (don't know her married name) takes her.  Long stories there but really don't have time for it now.  But I'm down to a size 14 and headed into a 12 -- my goal is to be a solid 12 by the holidays.
But...time to slug the last of that cuppa java and hit the road!!
Have a great day folks!!!

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