
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Blah Blah Blah

Had a good workout at the gym today.  Margaret let me know as we were headed there that she was getting her hair done after the gym.  I mentioned that I'd like to know these things prior to the time of departure....but I still got home in plenty of time to grab a quick shower and do what little tidying I wanted to get done before April got here with the boys.
We had to nix the fishing and swimming plans for the afternoon.  There have been scattered thunder showers all day and into the evening and not only is everything fairly soaked, but I have no desire to sit in a giant metal boat on a river holding a large rod waiting for the lightning!!!  lol  If the rain stays away for the next hour we'll go light a nice fire in the back yard and they can play outside, toast marshmallows and that kind of thing.  Matthew and Little Gordie are nice to have around.  They're both very polite, well mannered boys and they come from homes with very similar rules as my own so that makes for a nice evening.  They really all just shut themselves in the room and occasionally strange noises come out of there... bombs, guns, video game stuff....

Sounds like Becky is going to go to Dar's tomorrow for dinner and Jen and Crystal will meet her there and they'll have dinner and some drinks and stuff.  It'd be nice to go, but I have absolutely zero dollars and get paid Friday.  So I guess I'll have to sit this one out.  Kind of depressing, but there are worse things.

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