
Monday, November 16, 2015

99 Luftballoons

Ninety-nine dreams I have had and every one a red balloon.

That's just what's playing right now, not anything of any great meaning.  :)  I suppose I could relate it to my life somehow, but mostly I just enjoy listening to older music while I clean or work around the house.

Today I am painting the bathroom.  I hate painting.  I really do hate paining.  But it's one of those things that needs to be done every so often or your house just looks like shit.  Over the end of summer I painted the dining room and the living room, minus the ceilings.  I hate ceilings even more, so I keep putting them off.  Today, I'm doing the bathroom.  Yesterday, I cleaning all the walls and ceiling and prepped.  So far I've got one coat on the ceiling and starting a primer coat on a section that was painted darker than the rest.  I paint for a bit then stop because my arms get so tired and start to burn.  I really have no upper body strength....all my power is in my legs.  I'll get at least the entire room done with one coat, probably two on the ceiling, which should hopefully be enough to finish that.  Luckily for me I have a teeeeeny tiny little bathroom!

Once it's all done I'll be pulling Christmas out of the attic and exploding it all over!  Tree included.  I bought my lights at Ollie's a few weeks ago.  Twenty boxes of 100 multicolored twinkle lights.  Oh yes, I like Christmas lights!  Once that's all done, I've got presents to wrap for hubby's Brother and SIL who are coming this weekend to do our Holiday dinner gathering.  We haven't actually seen them in over a year.  It doesn't go that long, usually, but it's just been one of those years.  It'll be really nice to see them.

Friday I was finally able to send in my SUNY college application for SUNY Potsdam.  Wonder how long it takes to hear back from them?  I'll need to get to a printer so I can print up some other forms I think I'll need to fill out, and call financial aid and get on top of that.  Looks like I totally qualify.  No surprise there!  Chatted with the kiddo today about the various costs of tuition, tuition plus room/board, and so on.  Hopefully, by the time he's headed to college in a couple years, there will be something better in place than the current financing system.  In the meantime, we can both learn from me doing it.

GOD I hate painting.

If I weren't on a handful of ibuprofen I'd totally break open a bottle of wine to make it a bit less awful.

Oh, well.  Onward and upward!

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