
Monday, March 12, 2012

Fukitol Day

So this morning I declared today to be Fukitol Day here at our house.  Colin gets to blow off school and catch up on some sleep, and nobody is going to be given any expectations.  Kyle and I both have the day off.  Right now it's sunny and waaaarm out's supposed to rain this afternoon.  Hopefully that will wash away the last of the ice and snow.  The back yard is a pocked skating rink in the shade of the trees and buildings.  I took the doggies out front this morning and realized that the neighbor's dog has used our front lawn as her personal potty for the season....that will have to be picked up.  But not on Fukitol Day!!  I changed the litter and put the trash out because there's no choice in that, and I'll do some laundry because it's easy.  But is Fukitol Day and I have no plans, no chores, no projects...nada.

We're going to have a Saint Patrick's Day party on Saturday.  Nothing big, nothing fancy, just getting our friends together, eating good food, drinking like we can handle it, and enjoying the early days of spring weather.   Anybody is welcome to come, but I'm not going to advertise it.  I'll have fun this week planning the menu!

I'll be heading down to Syracuse at some point to pick up my mother.  Glen's house and affairs are just about settled, and she'll be going into a home to spend her last days.  I guess they're at a doctor's this morning where they'll learn more about how much time she'll have left now that she's foregoing further treatment.  There's a lot of madness down there.  I'll miss Glen, when she's gone.  I'm glad that we all got back in touch and had a few years to spend together.

Alright -- off to surf Pinterest!!  lol  If you haven't found it yet you're missing the revolution!!!

Happy Fukitol Day!!

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