
Monday, August 8, 2011

Just Another Manic....oh, wait....

Pretty lazy day today...really.  Joann texted me in the a.m. to let me know I wouldn't  have the baby today as Robert would be home late morning.  So I puttered around doing laundry and tidying stuff.  Robert ended up bringing the baby to me for a few hours so he could take the other boys to the movies, so Colin, Sam and I hung out, had some lunch and giggled and played for a few hours.  Kyle went to Brian Jenack's shop for a few hours, took a nap then headed to work.  Colin and I are just hanging out now watching an episode of House in the DVR.  Very, very quiet!  lol

I got a set of the nice, black scrapping bags by Creative Memories like my demonstrator always had.  Found them at a garage sale and got all three for $37.  When this episode of House is over I'm going to head for the diningroom and start setting all my scrapping stuff up on the table....get it all out of the bags and boxes then organize it into those bags.  WooHoo!  I've decided that I'll do a scrapping night.  I'm thinking every other Thursday from 6-8pm starting in September.  The day will likely change because both Steph and Jen's kids will have various things going on.  So once they all get that straight and get back to me I'll pick which day works the best for the most people the most often and go with that.  It's helpful that Joann and I both have the same days off!  lol

Kyle sold his V-Maxx recently.  We got the car fixed, and used what was left as a bit of mad money.  He got a little Dell Netbook used for a srsly low price.  Colin got his old laptop to use for his editing which was very exciting for him.  That and we bought him a new camcorder -- I found a very nice Vivitar on sale at RadioShack for only $200.  It's super nice and he's very happy with it.  He also wants one called a Go Pro which is what they use on the Deadliest Catch series to get all those srsly cool water shots -- it's waterproof and shock proof and all sorts of good things like that.  My brother Matthew is checking it out and talking to some friends of his who know all about filming, etc.

Spent Saturday evening with the McGinns clan....had a tasty dinner, did some swimming, had an excellent campfire and hung out all night.  Spent the next afternoon at Mom and Dad's with them and the Grass clan.  A very relaxing day with yet more amazing food, the years first corn on the cob, hung out.  The boys got hooked fishing so I ended up going home and getting some laundry done while the house was quiet.

The goodies from my latest Pampered Chef party should arrive tomorrow -- looking forward to that.
Saturday are the town wide garage sales in Parishville.  I went alone last year but this year Steph and I will be going.  Kimmy will come along and babysit Sam with us while we shop!  :-)  Hopefully I'll find some cool things!

Colin is taking piano lessons from Carrie (Dufresne) Kenney up the road at Breezy Maples.  He wanted to then didn't want to, then I told him he could pick from piano, guitar and voice, all of which she offers.  After talking to her he picked piano.  I still have to make him keep at it, but I think he's got a real talent for it.  And as I'm not biased or anything....!  lol

Well, off to organize some of that scrapping stuff....I've got a big ole bottle of white zin I may open to go with it!  lol

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