
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Oh, the Noise, Noise, Noise, Noise!!!

From those boys!  My kiddo will be 10 tomorrow....just before 2am to be exact.  We had his party today.  I don't like doing parties on has nothing at all to do with religious observance or anything like that, it's just that Sunday is the day you should get to rest before starting your week all over again.  :-)  The party went really well -- family came, friends came, there was food, cake, ice cream, gifts, and good fun.   Kiddo's best friend is staying over for the night and they are so LOUD!  Who'd have though....boys....loud?  Yeah....I did ask them not to bust the door off it's hinges and please not to break bones or bleed on things.  I figure if I can get those promises out of them the rest is really out of my hands.

Now it's gone very quiet in there....this worries me....if I weren't so scared I'd probably go peek to see what they're doing.  But with my luck it's some kind of explosive experiment and the distraction of me opening the door will destroy time and space as we know just never know.  That or they broke something.  I'm betting on the time-space continuum thingy, though....

I'm so glad I had a boy!  I see some of the fun my friends go through with girls and I have to say I think boys can be much easier.  But then again, there are some things that you just don't often go through with a daughter.  Like having to explain why you can't set up a target range in the back yard and shoot during your party....around the small children and grandparents.  Or trying to help him understand that blue pants and a black shirt will never work.  And nothing I say or do seems to sink in when it comes to helping him see that clothes should be FOLDED before they get stuffed into the dresser.  ....but hey....he puts the seat down and does windows so I can't complain!

The chaos must have peaked....they've gone to their separate corners.  One is at the computer and the other is at the xBox.  They'll do this.....pound, smash, yell and go on together for a while then go do separate things for a while.  Sometimes they're cooling off after a fight and sometimes I think they're brainstorming for the next disaster to create together and they just think better separately. It's kind of creepy, though, how quiet they can get.....the whole house is quiet.  The loudest thing happening this moment is me typing on my laptop.....which hubby likes to call me Machine Gun Kelly when I get typing quickly....but still....wait....where's the dog....this could be bad....

OK....the dog is safe.  He was safely outdoors this whole time.  Lucky for him.  The boys aren't's watching Awesome Crashes and the other is playing Mafia Wars.  Such quaint pursuits...I should enjoy the quiet while I can...they'll be making all that noise again first thing in the morning.

Is it bedtime yet?  ;-P

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