
Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Rule Number One: The Doctor Lies

Yeah, it's a vague Doctor Who reference that many readers aren't going to understand.  The point, though, is that even the good guy lies, even the hero lies, even somebody we love, trust, and respect will lie.  Everybody lies.  Oh, now don't get your panties into a twist declaring that you're not a liar, that you are an honest person!  You may be a very honest person, as people go, but you still tell lies.  They may not be big lies, you may call them "White Lies", but that's a weak rationalization.  A lie is any time that you don't tell the actual truth, no matter your intentions.  

That outfit looks fine.
You don't look a day over 25.
We took Fido/Kitty to a farm.
Your art project looks wonderful.
That hair color looks totally natural.
Nobody will notice that zit.
I thought the speed limit was 55 mph through here.
No, I never tried pot.
I've never looked at porn.
I've never stolen anything.
I've never copied somebody's homework.
I've never cheated on a test.
I've never lied about my sources in the bibliography.
I've had many sexual conquests.
I'm practically a virgin.
No, I've never tried that.
Yes, I always wear my seatbelt.
Yes, I vacuumed under the couch.
The dog knocked it over and broke it.
I don't know how that happened.
I have no idea who ate the last cookie.
It's fine.
There's nothing to worry about.
I'm fine.

So how many of those sound familiar?  Oh yeah.....and you can add to that list the lies you tell and the lies you have been told.  Lies are just part of the fabric that holds society together.  If we all went around telling the absolute truth every time we were ever asked something it would quickly descend into angry chaos.  We have a variety of words for people who don't hold back and are completely honest, or try to be:  blunt, harsh, rude, mean, asshole, and more.  So let's not be holier-than-thou and pretend that lying is always a bad thing, that all lies are wrong.  Who made up that rule, anyway?  That all lies are bad and only total honesty is good?  It's an impossible standard!  All things in moderation, even honesty.

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