
Sunday, February 22, 2015

Saille's Sales Fairy Houses -- A New Hobby

So I've started on a new hobby that I'm really enjoying -- I may even make a little side money off it.  I'm making fairy houses for fairy gardens.  I was playing around on Pinterest and, like so many of us, saw something and said to myself, "Self, I can do that!"  Well, that something was a stone fairy house.  I learned when we built our fire pit that I have a natural talent assembling rocks, so gluing small stones to a little house is actually fun for me.  It's like putting together a little puzzle!

The first one I made was a lot of work.  The learning curve was definitely steep at first!  Hubby helped me with the door and I didn't put any windows in it, the hinges got glue all over them, and it's just all around too big for my taste and not cute at all.  But somebody may like it.  I put it up for sale on some local Facebook sites and got plenty of likes and hits, but no bites.

Then I picked up a few supplies at my local Dollar Tree and did a little more reading around Etsy and Pinterest about how people were assembling these and got busy.  I made one for my soon to be sister-in-law Miranda next and so far it's been my favorite.  She had a birthday so I was thrilled that it came out as cute as it did.  I wasn't there when she received it so I can only hope that she actually likes it!  lolz!  

With a little success under my belt I figured I'd hit another February birthday and make one for my Aunt, as well.  This one was well liked by my husband (who often has better taste than I do!).  

As Valentine's Day was right then I also made one for my mother, based on the one for my aunt.  I don't seem to be able to find a picture of that one, of course, but it was accented with yellow instead of blue and otherwise very similar.  
My son's mid-winter school break was approaching and he was going to Ottawa to spend a long weekend with his aunt and uncle who live there.  I've never been to their house, so I just tried something completely different.  I don't think that either of them garden at all or have an outdoorsy kind of motif so I went with something brighter.  I was informed that some of the stones fell from the spire and were super glued back on.  As they were pretty solid I'm guessing that my teenage son didn't take care with the house, but hopefully it wasn't terribly mangled.  The Z on the door is their initial.  

So now that I had various gifts out of the way I was ready to try my hand at selling!  I haven't sold any yet, but I did just start this within the last two weeks, and only opened my Etsy shop, SaillesSales, last evening, so it's still pretty early.  ;)  All the fairy houses I find out there are either mass produced or well up over a hundred dollars and cost prohibitive for anybody who isn't devoted to the idea of a fairy garden but thinks it's a cute idea.  All gardens need a fairy, you know.  And what better way to coax a fairy to bless your garden than to provide an attractive home!  When the snow is gone, sometime around Memorial Weekend, and I can get into the woods, I'll be harvesting acorns and making lanterns and other assorted cute things.  So follow my Etsy page (I assume you're already following my blog, right?!) and keep your eyes open!  

St. Patrick's Day Fairy Garden House, $35

Blue Dragonfly House, $35

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