
Monday, November 11, 2013

Happy Veteran's Day 2013

Today I would like to thank all the men and women who have served our country in any branch of our Armed Forces.   On Memorial Day we pay tribute to all those soldiers who have gone from this world and remember them and their contribution to our Freedom.  Today we pay tribute to those who are still here with us, who have given years of their lives to train and serve, to protect our country, to protect our rights, to protect our freedom, to allow us to live our lives without fear.  Today is about the men and women who fought for us, who were wounded for us, who have scars that won't heal, who have dreams that won't fade.  Today is about the American Soldier, to thank them, ALL of them, for doing what we cannot, for standing.

Thank you for making a decision to join the military.  Thank you for going through the intense training to mold you into a soldier.  Thank you for your years of service.  Thank you for volunteering to be in harms way to protect us.  Thank you for standing tall in the face of fear.  Thank you for being willing to do all the things that a soldier has to do to be a soldier.  Thank you.

World War II
Desert Storm
Thank you for everything before, during, and since.

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