
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Ode to MidNite

In the wee hours of morning, at three a.m.
I heard a funny noise.  
It wasn't the dogs, it wasn't the cats, it wasn't the girls or boys.
What it was, I will tell you, was just a toy. 

At three a.m. the house is quiet, the world is calm and dark. 
But sleep won't come, at three a.m., it's gone on some dumb lark. 
At dawn this will leave a mark.  

But WAIT!  That's right!  Bzz sent me something to help
in situations like these! 
"Get to Sleep... Get BACK to Sleep..." MidNite promises with ease!
"No Morning Grogginess" if you please! 

Some melatonin and lavender, chamomile and lemon balm, 
Working together to help me sleep the rest of the night long.  
How could this go wrong! 

Thank You MidNight for helping me get back to my night's rest. 
If you haven't tried this, you've GOT to try this! (I've got it as a test!)
I have a coupon at your behest.  

#imabzzagent #gotitfree #midnite 

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